Example Queries

In this section, we will use Code 6 to answer some queries.

For simplicity, procedures First and Third are excluded from statement numbering.

Note that for each scenario, there are multiple ways to write a query.

Code 6
      procedure First {
      read x;
      read z;
      call Second; }

      procedure Second {
01        x = 0;
02        i = 5;
03        while (i!=0) {
04            x = x + 2*y;
05            call Third;
06            i = i - 1; }
07        if (x==1) then {
08            x = x+1; }
          else {
09            z = 1; }
10        z = z + x + i;
11        y = z + 2;
12        x = x * y + z; }

      procedure Third {
          z = 5;
          v = z;
          print v; }

Meaningful Queries

Q1. What are the procedures in the program call another procedure?

procedure p, q;
Select p such that Calls (p, _)


procedure p, q;
Select p.procName such that Calls (p, q)

Answer: First, Second

Note that we can select attributes in the select clause.

Wildcard _ can be used as a placeholder for an unconstrained design entity (procedure in this case). It can only be used when the context uniquely implies the type of the argument denoted by _. In this case, we infer from the program design model that _ stands for the design entity "procedure".

Q2: Which procedures directly call procedure "Third" and modify the variable "i"?

procedure p, q;
Select p such that Calls (p, q) with q.procName = "Third" such that Modifies (p, "i")


procedure p;
Select p such that Calls (p, "Third") and Modifies (p, "i")

Answer: Second

Q3: Which procedures call procedure "Third" directly or indirectly?

procedure p;
Select p such that Calls* (p, "Third")

Answer: First, Second

Q4: Which procedures are called from "Second" in a while loop?

procedure p; call c; while w;
Select p such that Calls ("Second", p) and Parent (w, c) with c.procName = p.procName

Answer: Third

Q5: Is there an execution path from statement 2 to statement 9?

Select BOOLEAN such that Next* (2, 9)

Answer: TRUE

Q6: Is there an execution path from statement 2 to statement 9 that passes through statement 8?

Select BOOLEAN such that Next* (2, 8) and Next* (8, 9)

Answer: FALSE

Q7: Find assignments to variable "x" located in a loop, that can be reached (in terms of control flow) from statement 1.

assign a; while w;
Select a pattern a ("x", _) such that Parent* (w, a) and Next* (1, a)


assign a; while w;
Select a such that Modifies (a, "x") and Parent* (w, a) and Next* (1, a)

Answer: 4

Q8: Which statements can be executed between statement 5 and statement 12?

stmt s;
Select s such that Next* (5, s) and Next* (s, 12)

Answer: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Q9: Which assignments directly affect value computed at assignment 10?

assign a;
Select a such that Affects (a, 10)

Answer omitted.

Q10. Which are the pair of assignments that affect each other?

assign a1, a2;
Select <a1, a2> such that Affects (a1, a2)


assign a1, a2;
Select <a1.stmt#, a2> such that Affects (a1, a2)

Answer omitted.

Q11. Find all pairs of procedures p and q such that p calls q.

procedure p, q;
Select <p, q> such that Calls (p, q)

Answer: First Second, Second Third

Query Formation

The following queries do not refer to a SIMPLE program source code. They are meant to help you understand how to use PQL.

Q12. Find all statements whose statement number is equal to some constant.

stmt s; constant c;
Select s with s.stmt# = c.value

Q13. Find procedures whose name is the same as the name of some variable.

procedure p; variable v;
Select p with p.procName = v.varName

Q14. Find statements that is followed by statement 10.

stmt s, s1;
Select s.stmt# such that Follows* (s, s1) with s1.stmt#=10

Q15. Find three while loops nested one in another.

while w1, w2, w3;
Select <w1, w2, w3> such that Parent* (w1, w2) and Parent* (w2, w3)

Note that the query returns all the instances of three nested while loops in a program, not just the first one that is found.

Q16. Find all assignments with variable "x" at the left-hand side located in some while loop, and that can be reached (in terms of control flow) from statement 60.

assign a; while w; stmt s;
Select a such that Parent* (w, a) and Next* (60, s) pattern a("x", _) with a.stmt# = s.stmt#

Q17. Find all while statements with "x" as a control variable.

while w;
Select w pattern w ("x", _)

Q18. Find assignment statements where variable x appears on the left hand side.

assign a;
Select a pattern a ("x", _)

Q19. Find assignments with expression x*y+z on the right hand side.

assign a;
Select a pattern a (_, "x * y + z")

Q20. Find assignments in which x*y+z is a sub-expression of the expression on the right hand side.

assign a;
Select a pattern a (_, _"x * y + z"_)

Q21. Find all assignments to variable "x" such that value of "x" is subsequently re‑assigned recursively in an assignment statement that is nested inside two loops.

assign a1, a2; while w1, w2;
Select a2 pattern a1 ("x", _) and a2 ("x", _"x"_)
          such that Affects (a1, a2) and Parent* (w2, a2) and Parent* (w1, w2)

Meaningless Queries

SPA should be able to evaluate any syntactically and semantically valid query, even if some of these queries do not have meaning or make little sense.

Q22. Is the value 12 equals to 12?

Select BOOLEAN with 12 = 12

Answer: TRUE

Q23. Is statement 12 an assignment?

assign a;
Select BOOLEAN with a.stmt# = 12

Q24. If statement 12 is an assignment statement, find all the assignment statements.

assign a, a1;
Select a1 with a.stmt# = 12


assign a, a1;
Select a1 with 12 = a.stmt#

Note that it is possible to swap the values to be compared around.

Q25. If procedure "Second" calls procedure "Third", find all the combinations of an assignment-while statement pairs.

assign a; while w;
Select <a, w> such that Calls ("Second", "Third")

Q26. If there exist an assignment that modifies the variable "y", find all the combinations of two-procedures pair.

procedure p, q; assign a;
Select <p, q> such that Modifies (a, "y")

Q27. Is there a procedure that calls some other procedure in the program?

Select BOOLEAN such that Calls (_,_)