Design Abstractions

Program design abstractions are relationships among program design entities.

In this section, we will use Code 5 to explain the design abstractions. For simplicity, procedures main, readPoint and printResults are excluded from statement numbering.

Code 5
    procedure main {
        flag = 0;
        call computeCentroid;
        call printResults;
    procedure readPoint {
        read x;
        read y;
    procedure printResults {
        print flag;
        print cenX;
        print cenY;
        print normSq;
    procedure computeCentroid {
01      count = 0;
02      cenX = 0;
03      cenY = 0;
04      call readPoint;
05      while ((x != 0) && (y != 0)) {
06          count = count + 1;
07          cenX = cenX + x;
08          cenY = cenY + y;
09          call readPoint;
10      if (count == 0) then {
11          flag = 1;
        } else {
12          cenX = cenX / count;
13          cenY = cenY / count;
14      normSq = cenX * cenX + cenY * cenY;

Basic Design Abstractions

The table shows a summary of the design abstractions discussed in this section.

Design Abstraction Relationship between
Follows / Follows* Statements
Parent / Parent* Statements
Uses Statement/Procedure and Variable
Modifies Statement/Procedure and Variable

Follows / Follows*


For any statements s1 and s2:

Follows(s1, s2) holds if they are at the same nesting level, in the same
statement list (stmtLst), and s2 appears in the program text immediately after

Follows*(s1, s2) holds if
    - Follows(s1, s2) or
    - Follows(s1, s) and Follows*(s, s2) for some statement s

Follows* is the transitive closure of Follows.


In procedure computeCentroid (Code 5), the following relationships hold (are true):

  • Follows (1, 2)
  • Follows (4, 5)
  • Follows (5, 10)
  • Follows* (3,10)
  • Follows* (1, 14)

In contrast, the following relationships are false (do not hold):

  • Follows (5, 6)
  • Follows (9, 10)
  • Follows (11, 12)
  • Follows* (12, 14)


  • For Follows (4, 5), statement number 5 refers to the whole while-statement, including lines 5-9, rather than to the program line while ((x != 0) && (y != 0)) { only.
  • Similarly, statement number 10 refers to the whole if-statement including lines 10-13.

It is useful to check which statement list directly contains the statement mentioned in a relationship.

Parent / Parent*


For any statements s1 and s2:

Parent(s1, s2) holds if s2 is directly nested in s1.

Parent*(s1, s2) holds if
    - Parent(s1, s2) or
    - Parent(s1, s) and Parent*(s, s2) for some statement s

Parent* is the transitive closure of Parent.


In procedure computeCentroid (Code 5), the following relationships hold (are true):

  • Parent (5, 7)
  • Parent (5, 8)
  • Parent (10, 11)
  • Parent (10, 13)
  • Parent* (5, 7)
  • Parent* (10, 13)

The following relationships are false (do not hold):

  • Parent (2, 3)
  • Parent (4, 7)
  • Parent (9, 5)
  • Parent* (10, 14)


  • As in the case of Follows, statement number 5 refers to the whole while-statement, and statement number 10 refers to the whole if-statement. The first statement should be a container statement, while the second statement should be nested inside the first statement.)



For any variable v,
        assignment a,
        print stmt pn,
        read stmt re,
        container stmt (if or while) s,
        procedure call c,
        procedure p:

Uses(a, v) holds if v appears on the right hand side of a.

Uses(pn, v) holds if variable v appears in pn.

Uses(s, v) holds if v appears in the condition of s, or
           there is a statement s1 in the container such that Uses(s1, v) holds.

Uses(p, v) holds if there is a statement s in p or in a procedure called
           (directly or indirectly) from p such that Uses(s, v) holds.

Uses(c, v) is defined in the same way as Uses(p, v).

Uses(re, v) do not hold.


In the program (Code 5), the following relationships hold (are true):

  • Uses (7, "x")
  • Uses (10, "count")
  • Uses (10, "cenX")
  • Uses ("main", "cenX")
  • Uses ("main", "flag")
  • Uses ("computeCentroid", "x")

The following relationships are false (do not hold):

  • Uses (3, "count")
  • Uses (10, "flag")
  • Uses (9, "y")


If a number refers to statement s that is a procedure call, then Uses (s, v) holds for any variable v used in the called procedure (or in any procedure called directly or indirectly from that procedure).

  • E.g. flag is used in the print statement of procedure printResults; hence the call statement to printResults in procedure main uses flag; therefore main uses flag.

If a number refers to a container statement s (while or if statement), then Uses (s, v) holds for any variable used by any statement in the container s (including call statements), or used in the condition of s.

  • E.g. Statement 10 contains statement 12 that uses cenX; hence 10 uses cenX.



For any variable v,
        assignment a,
        print stmt pn,
        read stmt re,
        container stmt (if or while) s,
        procedure call c,
        procedure p:

Modifies(a, v) holds if variable v appears on the left hand side of a.

Modifies(re, v) holds if variable v appears in re.

Modifies(s, v) holds if there is a statement s1 in the container
               such that Modifies(s1, v) holds.

Modifies(p, v) holds if there is a statement s in p or in a procedure called
               (directly  or indirectly) from p such that Modifies(s, v) holds.

Modifies(c, v) is defined in the same way as Modifies(p, v).

Modifies(pn, v) do not hold.


In the program (Code 5), the following relationships hold (are true):

  • Modifies (1, "count")
  • Modifies (7, "cenX")
  • Modifies (9, "x")
  • Modifies (10, "flag")
  • Modifies (5, "x")
  • Modifies ("main", "y")

The following relationships are false (do not hold):

  • Modifies (5, "flag")
  • Modifies ("printResults", "normSq")


If a number refers to statement s that is a procedure call, then Modifies (s, v) holds for any variable v modified in the called procedure (or in any procedure called directly or indirectly from that procedure).

  • E.g. y is modified in the call statement call computeCentroid; from main because procedure computeCentroid calls procedure readPoint that modifies y in a read statement.

If a number refers to a container statement s (while or if statement), then Modifies (s, v) holds for any variable modified by any statement in the container s (including call statements).

  • E.g. Statement 5 contains statement 9 that modifies x (in procedure readPoint read statement); hence 5 modifies x.