General Requirements

You are to revise your SPA prototype implemented in Milestone 1, and extend some features documented in the SPA requirements.

Your team will complete the Basic SPA requirements, and decide on a subset of the Advanced SPA requirement to implement.

  • The sections Source Processor, PKB, Query Processing Subsystem are just some of the recommendations that your team can take.
  • The scope for this milestone can be adjusted, so please use the weekly consultations to discuss your plans with your consultation.

General requirements stated in Milestone 1 Scope still holds.

Constraints on Program Design Abstractions

You are not allowed to pre-compute the program design abstractions Next* and Affects during parsing time, i.e. these relationship must be calculated on the fly during query evaluation.

  • Note that you can cache computed results during the evaluation of a single query, i.e. computed result can be used between clauses of the same query. The cache(s) should be cleared after each query.

Source Processor

The Source Processor should be able to parse a SIMPLE source program with the specification stated in the SPA Requirements.


The PKB should store information on design entities.

The PKB should also store information on the following design abstractions:

  • Follows/Follows*
  • Parent/Parent*
  • Modifies for statements and procedures
  • Uses for statements and procedures
  • Calls/Calls*
  • Next

Query Processing Subsystem

The Query Processing Subsystem should be able to validate and evaluate the queries with the following specification.

In particular, the specification below does not consider such-that clauses with Affects relationship, and not operator.

The Query Processing Subsystem is also not expected to consider optimizations by means of changing the evaluation order of clauses.

Lexical tokens:

LETTER: A-Z | a-z                     - capital or small letter
DIGIT: 0-9
INTEGER : 0 | NZDIGIT ( DIGIT )*      - Constants are sequence of digits with no leading zero

synonym : IDENT
stmtRef : synonym | '_' | INTEGER
entRef : synonym | '_' | '"' IDENT '"'

elem : synonym | attrRef
attrName : 'procName'| 'varName' | 'value' | 'stmt#'
design-entity : 'stmt' | 'read' | 'print' | 'call' | 'while' | 'if' | 'assign' |
                'variable' | 'constant' | 'procedure'

Grammar rules:

select-cl : declaration* 'Select' result-cl ( suchthat-cl | pattern-cl | with-cl)*
declaration : design-entity synonym (',' synonym)* ';'

result-cl : tuple | 'BOOLEAN'
tuple : elem | '<' elem ( ',' elem )* '>'

suchthat-cl : 'such' 'that' relCond
pattern-cl : 'pattern' patternCond
with-cl : 'with' attrCond

relCond : relRef ( 'and' relRef )*
relRef: Follows | FollowsT | Parent | ParentT | UsesS | UsesP | ModifiesS |
        ModifiesP | Calls | CallsT | Next | NextT

Follows : 'Follows' '(' stmtRef ',' stmtRef ')'
FollowsT : 'Follows*' '(' stmtRef ',' stmtRef ')'

Parent : 'Parent' '(' stmtRef ',' stmtRef ')'
ParentT : 'Parent*' '(' stmtRef ',' stmtRef ')'

UsesS : 'Uses' '(' stmtRef ',' entRef ')'
UsesP : 'Uses' '(' entRef ',' entRef ')'

ModifiesS : 'Modifies' '(' stmtRef ',' entRef ')'
ModifiesP : 'Modifies' '(' entRef ',' entRef ')'

Calls : 'Calls' '(' entRef ',' entRef ')'
CallsT : 'Calls*' '(' entRef ',' entRef ')'

Next : 'Next' '(' stmtRef ',' stmtRef ')'
NextT : 'Next*' '(' stmtRef ',' stmtRef ')'

patternCond : pattern ( 'and' pattern )*
pattern : assign | while | if

assign: syn-assign '(' entRef ',' expression-spec ')'
expression-spec :  '"' expr'"' | '_' '"' expr '"' '_' | '_'

expr: expr '+' term | expr '-' term | term
term: term '*' factor | term '/' factor | term '%' factor | factor
factor: var_name | const_value | '(' expr ')'

var_name: NAME
const_value : INTEGER

while : syn-while '(' entRef ',' '_' ')'
if : syn-if '(' entRef ',' '_' ',' '_' ')'

attrCond : attrCompare ( 'and' attrCompare )*
attrCompare : ref '=' ref
ref : '"' IDENT '"' | INTEGER | attrRef
attrRef : synonym '.' attrName