Code Demonstration Guidelines

In Week 5, Week 8, and Week 10 (for Milestone 2), you are expected to give a demonstration of your system.

For the demonstration, you are to prepare:

  1. A compiled-and-built SPA via the Autotester executable.

  2. System test cases to show that the features implemented in SPA is well-tested. It should include multiple pairs of:

    • SIMPLE source
    • set of PQL queries for the SIMPLE source code
  3. Generated .xml files from feeding the test cases to the executable.

During the demonstration, your tutor will request for you to:

  1. Re-run the executable using the system test cases that you have prepared and generate .xml files.
  2. Open the .xml files for analysis.

Your tutor will comment on your test cases and may change your test cases on the fly.

Code demonstrations are not meant as a harsh evaluation, but rather a gentle push to ensure you have meet the expected milestones.