Example Queries

In this section, we will use Code 5 to answer some queries.

For simplicity, procedures main, readPoint and printResults are excluded from statement numbering.

Code 5
    procedure main {
        flag = 0;
        call computeCentroid;
        call printResults;
    procedure readPoint {
        read x;
        read y;
    procedure printResults {
        print flag;
        print cenX;
        print cenY;
        print normSq;
    procedure computeCentroid {
01      count = 0;
02      cenX = 0;
03      cenY = 0;
04      call readPoint;
05      while ((x != 0) && (y != 0)) {
06          count = count + 1;
07          cenX = cenX + x;
08          cenY = cenY + y;
09          call readPoint;
10      if (count == 0) then {
11          flag = 1;
        } else {
12          cenX = cenX / count;
13          cenY = cenY / count;
14      normSq = cenX * cenX + cenY * cenY;

Queries with no such-that and pattern clause

Q1. What are the procedures in the program?

procedure p;
Select p

The declaration procedure p refers to entities of type procedures found in the SIMPLE program that is analyzed. This query returns as a result all the procedures in the program. The results are displayed as a list of procedure names.

With respect to Code 5, the results of evaluating the query are: main, readPoint, printResults, computeCentroid

The order of the names of the procedures does not matter. Hence, another correct result is: printResults, main, readPoint, computeCentroid

Q2. What are the variables in the program?

variable v;
Select v

The query returns all variable names: flag, count, cenX, cenY, x, y, normSq

Queries with one such-that clause

Q3. Which statements follow assignment 6 directly or indirectly?

stmt s;
Select s such that Follows* (6, s)

Answer: 7, 8, 9

Q4. Which variables have their values modified in statement 6?

variable v;
Select v such that Modifies (6, v)

Answer: count

Q5. Which variables are used in assignment 14?

variable v;
Select v such that Uses (14, v)

Answer: cenX, cenY

Q6. Which procedures modify variable "x"?

variable v; procedure p;
Select p such that  Modifies (p, "x")

Answer: main, computeCentroid, readPoint

Q7. Find assignments within a loop.

assign a; while w;
Select a such that Parent* (w, a)

Answer: 6, 7, 8

Q8. Which is the parent of statement #7?

stmt s;
Select s such that Parent (s, 7)

Answer: 5

Queries with one pattern clause

With reference to Code 5, the following questions can be translated into PQL queries:

Q9. Find assignments that contain expression count + 1 on the right hand side

assign a;
Select a pattern a ( _ , "count + 1")

Answer: 6

Q10. Find assignments that contain sub-expression cenX * cenX on the right hand side and normSq on the left hand side

assign a;
Select a pattern a ( "normSq" , _"cenX * cenX"_)

Answer: 14

Same query can be written using a different synonym name:

assign newa;
Select newa pattern newa ( "normSq" , _"cenX * cenX"_)

Answer: 14

Queries with one pattern clause and one such-that clause

Q11: Find while loops with assignment to variable "count"

assign a; while w;
Select w such that Parent* (w, a) pattern a ("count", _)

Answer: 5

Q12. Find assignments that use and modify the same variable

assign a; variable v;

Select a such that Uses (a, v) pattern a (v, _)

Answer: 6, 7, 8, 12, 13

Note that many questions can be correctly translated in multiple ways into PQL. Moreover, results returned by a query must satisfy all conditions (clauses) of the query at the same time. Changing the order of conditions (clauses) in a query does not change the query result; but changing the order of conditions may affect query evaluation time. For example:

Q13: Find assignments that use and modify the variable "x"

assign a;
Select a pattern a ("x", _) such that Uses (a, "x")


assign a;
Select a such that Uses (a, "x") pattern a ("x", _)

Answer: none

Q14: Find assignments that are nested directly or indirectly in a while loop and modify the variable "count"

assign a; while w;
Select a such that Parent* (w, a) pattern a ("count", _)


assign a; while w;
Select a pattern a ("count", _) such that Parent* (w, a)

Answer: 6